All our R&D studies are calculated primarily by taking into account customer expectations.However, it is our main focus to continuously develop our products with the developing technology.As a result of the R&D studies carried out by our professional team, it is expected that the amount of pesticide residues on agricultural products will decrease to a minimum with the use of the machine.According to the test results for our developed new generation sprayer, it was observed that the pesticide residue formed on the product was reduced by 9 times, and 90% water and 50% fuel savings were achieved.As Agrotek Spraying Machines, we anticipate that our new generation machine will be an absolute success in the commercial sense, due to our innovative approach that is sensitive to the environment and prioritizes human health.We think that our machine, which is unique in the world, will give the country and world farmers the opportunity to offer healthier and higher quality products.